Uma análise de Helldivers 2 Gameplay
Helldivers 2 abandona a visão de cima para baixo, adotando uma perspectiva totalmente em terceira pessoa, trazendo incertezas A respeito de seu impacto na dinâmica por game.
The numerous deaths my crew suffered played right into Helldivers 2’s comedic setting as well, which features a satirical futuristic version of Earth where people are treated as disposable.
You can opt to go even lower to push for close to 60 FPS if you want to, though the graphical quality will be rather poor. Medium and above, on the other hand, chugs down to the mid-20s or worse, so a low-to-medium balance is the sweet spot we recommend.
Overall, we'd say Helldivers 2 is still a fun game solo, though it's not quite as enjoyable as it is when you've got a squad. A big issue with solo play, though, is that completing missions on harder difficulties feels all-but-impossible, limiting how much of the game you can experience.
As I fought through armies of lethal insects, I got to try out a whole bunch of helpful gadgets that played a central role in my success. On one mission, I deployed a turret to keep the area clear of hostiles, while in another I threw down a bubble shield to give the team some much-needed cover, and in another I made use of the “guard dog,” a floating robot who followed me around to lay down suppressing fire. Unlocking new toys and communicating with your team to ensure you’ve got everything you might need is absolutely necessary to survival.
13D audio via built-in TV speakers or analog/USB stereo headphones. Set up and latest system software update required.
There's also a setting to adjust the level of image sharpening. At zero sharpening in performance mode Helldivers 2 looks soft and indistinct, while stepping up to the max sharpening level increases clarity at the cost of additional artifacting. Quality mode exhibits the same difference, although given its higher resolution, the effect is a bit more subtle. Helldivers' performance mode runs smoothly. We're mostly at 60fps in typical play, with a very smooth readout, especially when combined with the game's motion blur. The game can suffer from extended dips into the 50s though, typically during larger firefights. In my gameplay the worst I saw was about 50fps, so the game does manage to stay pretty close to 60fps more generally, although it can spend a long time hovering in the 50s in extended firefights. The quality mode also manages a tight lock on its 30fps frame-rate target, but it clearly has issues with bouts of inconsistent frame-pacing.
Adding to the tactical feel is the game’s tight third-person camera, which limits the awareness you can have of your surroundings. Among Helldivers 2
Helldivers are the true heroes of Super Earth. As an elite soldier, you have the full might of Super Earth’s arsenal at your disposal. Use your lethal array of stratagems and weaponry to defend its colonizers and liberate planets from enemy forces.
Super Earth’s struggle for supremacy doesn’t end there—your future as a Helldiver is secure! There’s so much more to come as we expand the game’s content offering. We’re excited to confirm that as players fight in the Galactic War, they will also witness events unfold through our planned free updates.
While the rewards from the Premium Warbond aren't all cosmetic, the equipment on it isn't any better than what you can get from the normal Warbond that's free to access.
Those small details contrast against the environment especially nicely because of the game's use of relatively high-resolution shadowmaps. Other elements of the lighting perhaps don't fare as well. The worlds are generally lit convincingly enough, but when you get up close you can spot some light leak in places, and shadowed regions tend to have a bit of a flat look. I'm not sure we're looking at pre-calculated, 'baked' lighting. I think instead we're seeing the typical mix of screen-space ambient occlusion and shadowmaps to shade in some of those finer details, which works well for the big picture stuff but doesn't hold up quite as well on close examination. The same can be said for reflections, which exhibit typical screen-space reflection 'skirting'. After surveying the game's graphical tech, I wasn't quite sure what we were looking at. UE4 seemed like an obvious choice, but it didn't seem well-suited for this kind of big multiplayer game with open-world environments.
As with all Automaton units, the plodding Hulk is brainlessly optimized to do nothing except deliver heavy firepower.
The gameplay loop is so tight, it would be laughably slim in the wrong hands. You Helldivers 2 Gameplay team up, hit the planet, kill things, collect stuff then extract to count your earnings and buy better weapons. Repeat until exhausted. Levelling up unlocks new collections of deadlier hardware, but it’s basically the same thing over and over again until the planet has been “liberated” and you and all the other players in the world move on to another (yes, there’s a global real-time battle map, with every participant contributing to the intergalactic, ahem, peace effort).